Athene's Crash Course to Programming With MIPs

How to program in MIPS32 Assembly!

  1. DO NOT PROGRAM RIGHT AWAY. Write your pseudocode first.
  2. Translate into Assembly.

Commenting: use hash mark, ex: # this is a comment

Declaring Segments Explanation
.data start of "data related section"
.text start of "code related section"

Declaring Integer and Floating Point data Explanation
.word w1,w2,...,wn Allocates for n 32 bit items and initializes them to listed values
.word w:n Allocates n 32 bits items and initializes them to w
Note for word MIPS32 uses word(32 bits) to store an integer, it can be used to store any 32 bit items.
.float f1, f2,...,fn Allocates for n single-precision floating point numbers and initializes them to listed values.
.double d1, d2,...,dn Allocates for n double-precision.
.byte Allocates n 8 bits
.half allocates n 16 bits
.space allocates b uninitialized bytes
.ascii "string" allocates and initilizes mem for/with "string"
.asciiz same as .ascii but also add null-termination, like c-style strings.
.globl symbol makes a global symbol
Note on globl main is typically global.
.align n Aligns next data item on 2^n byte boundry.

Common Types of Instructions:

Instruction Explination
addi Item 2
Item 4 Item 5

MARS specific:

Assembly Templates -Main Program

# Title: Author:
MIPS32 Assembly Language Getting Started
# Class: CS2318-??? Due: Submitted:
# Functional description:
# ...
# Register usage:
# ...
# Pseudocode description:
# ...
############################ data segment ################################
############################ data segment ################################
############################ code segment ################################
.globl main
li $v0, 10 # exit

Assembly Templates -Functions

# Function name:
MIPS32 Assembly Language Getting Started
# Function name:
# Functional description:
# ...
# Input/output description:
# ...
# Example calling sequence:
# ...
# R i t
how parameters are passed
& how results are returned
# Register usage:
# ...
# Pseudocode description:
# ...
<proc name>: